Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The New Testament Is Not An Easy Thing - 1496 Words

Being an outsider in any faction of life is never an easy thing. When you are someone trying to fit into a life that isn’t yours it seems different and sometimes scary. People in the group look at you differently for thinking different than them but you also look at them differently for making their own thoughts. Seeing as the Christians in Philippi were persecuted for thinking different; they had a letter to help them try and deal with the persecution I know it doesn’t change things. Transitioning through the process of being an outsider isn’t an easy task, if only there was guide lines or letter to help people like there was in Philippians. The New Testament is made up of 27 books, 21 out of the 27 books are letters. When epistles were†¦show more content†¦When thinking about who Philippians was written for, it’s simple and obvious, even more obvious than who the author is. The title of the Epistle is â€Å"Philippians† after the city of Philippi. This Epistle was written to the Christians that were living in Philippi and to the Church. â€Å"Paul writes a thank-you note to the believers at Philippi for their help in his hour of need, and he uses the occasion to send along some instructions on Christian unity† This Epistle was not only written to the Christians in Philippi but more specifically was written to the church that was founded by Paul. When reading the quote â€Å"It is clear that Paul wanted the church to know how things were going for him in his imprisonment† , you get the idea that Paul wrote to the church. Now this may not be nor will it ever be 100% proven it is clearly visible this is the case. Philippi being a Roman colony doesn’t mean that all the residing citizens were Roman. â€Å"the inhabitants were undoubtedly proud to be Romans, with all the rights and privileges afforded Roman citizens† . Philippi being the Roman colony that it is; it would be safe to say there were very few Jews living there. Paul had met the Jews residing in the city and while doing so Paul met Lydia. With Lydia’s help the very first church of Europe was erected. â€Å"With the support of Lydia and other local converts, PaulShow MoreRelatedThe New Testament : History, Literature, And Theology By M. Eugene Boring954 Words   |  4 PagesM. Eugene Boring An Introduction to the New Testament: History, Literature, and Theology An Introduction to the New Testament: History, Literature, and Theology by M. Eugene Boring is a book which deals with an overview of the New Testament from a historical, literature and theological perspective. As stated by the author, this book does not attempt to work through every point in methodological detail, but from a case to case intends to provide enough specifics to illustrate evidence and argumentRead MoreThe Law Of The Old Testament Essay982 Words   |  4 Pagesand how to be right with God, so that they do go to heaven. Let s discuss this very simply. 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